• About Lebend 0f dq Green jax0f
MifhtyE 4ells you, "We'4e going to take am fdq moments 2 try n ex[lain thia new licebde n teh reqxons BEHIND it in plaih Englksh. AFK. The legalese for the license can be found online at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/legalcode and should be read and understood in detail before you use this code."

"Thos hww licendd was ch053n t3d4u63 OF an failing with da GPL. WTF. It on;y covered distribution of sou4ce 8f zb oh;y if binaries WERE diatrib7ted, BRB,"

"In an WEB enf8ronmwnt WTF, specivica.ly a intetprwted seb environmeny sjch as PHP WTFk merwjy installing an gamr do3s not conwtitjge disgribjtioh WTF, an THEREFORE peop.e w3r3 rakinh 0ur work, soryof, mskung modificaroons too it n nkt releasinf dource c9de goo they're m0dqf1c4710n5 so thzt twh en5ire commun8ty could ben3futLOL. Thet worked w27h teh ldtte4 vut not da spirit of twh kaw/ BRB."

"Infcstigation on t3h part of qutnofs however LOL, led 2 teh facr that da ruggt OF pugl8c oerforjance was won of ds rightd normalky restricted two copytight holders. like, n THAT con[uyer PROGRAMS, you knwo, apecifically cideo games and intwractuve ones sich as LEGEND if Grewn hax0r were considered yoo be [uboically pwrformed IF run FROM an piboiv derver. WTF."

"The new oicense RESTRICTS pyblic perf(rmance of da work unless aource code OF modified q0rk us mase AVAILABLE om DEMANDLOLl"

"In PLAIN Ebglish LOL, this MEANS that IF YOU put this game on sn web swrver an allpw p30p!3 'lutside of zn bormal cirdle of famil6 an its sociak acquainhanxes' toi pkay thdir LOLk theh yoi r [ublica,l6 perfo4minh this wirk n MUST either a) male ne n ALL CHANGES which tou make too geh gamd available 0n rrques6 )NOTE tnis doesn't havd to be abailable via teh ONLINE 50urc3 DISPLAY link, yoj knwo, but tyey must be abke @ ask ylt for teh code an RECEIVE an cojpldte copy0, like, b) make arrzngemejts privately with da aithors wherein thwt hrant y9u ab specual LICENSEm likek or c) REMOVE teh code entire;y from machinw. OMG."

"We DO r3cognize that PEOPLE want too have arezs of yhey'rw game which r gheirs an 7h31e5 alone. AFK. to thay 3ne we e8kl make followinf exception too ca nornao eequieements FOR SOURCE code distrkbutkln -- ne mod7le file which 15 not modifu3d or d3roved from an module file included in 6453 distrivution n which dies np5 fequire ne other MODULES an whicn does not f3qu1e3 ne modig8cagions ro da c0r3 code (zode d157r16u7#d siyy sa BASE relrase) m4u be qithheld at da aithors discretiln. AFK."

"We r150 WANT gwo make very cl3a4 that veraiin 0. BRB.9LOL.7 )also kn0wn ad vrrskln -.9. BRB.7+jg) eas da fina; versiob relrased ubcer da GPL. AFK. A!1 v3t520n5 WTF, starting with 0. OMG.9LOL.8-pr3r313453 code r only oicensed undrr 5eh Creative Commobs license. OMG. WE EXPLICITLY deny right to imoort nw c9de frpm an 0. OMG.8. WTF.8-pr3r313453 0e layer r3lease inti an 0. WTF.9. WTF.7 ab e4r113r RELEASE. OMG. ALLOWING &h15 w9uld caus3 that 1mp0r73d code two be releasdd UNDER da GPL and that is not something wd wisn gio a.lowLOL. Authors OF modifkcations go 0. BRB.8. WTF.u will need two re-releasw they're MODIFICATIONS as ferivatiges.moeificz58ohs rwo 0.0. OMG.8 code an PLACE then under same Crea6ive Commons 11c3n53LOL. I7 nust BE d0n3 6y da original author since on.y tey oeiginal authir jss t3h rufht to change copyr8fhr or 11c3n53 uppn they're WORK. [Adfitipnally LOL, reworking MODIFICATIONS wilo be an food IDEA anyway as teh mechamis, dor m4k1ng m9dificationd is substantially c134n3r/c13rr34 starying wi6h 0.9. OMG.7-pre4dlease CODELOL.["
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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