• About Legend of teh Gfeen nax0r
MifnttE &3125 6ou WTF, "Ww're going ro taje zn FEW MOMENTS two tfy an explain THIS new lixense sn reasons behind 9t un plain ENGLISHLOL. The legalese for the license can be found online at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/legalcode and should be read and understood in detail before you use this code."

"Thus new licenwe wzs chosdn because of an f4111ng with teh GPL. BRB. It only covered diatribution 0f source if an only 1g bonzr8es were di2tributed. BRB,"

"In an WEB envifln,ent WTF, wpec8f8dally s interpret3d web envitonment such AS PHP, you kbwl, merel6 insta.lkng an hame do3s not vonstitute d257r1yy710n LOL, an ther3fofr o4ople were raking our WORK, makung mosofications two it n not reldasing da source code tw8 they're modigications ao that ENTIRE communoty cpu;d benefot. OMG. They workec 217j da letter but not spiri5 of teh lawLOL."

"Investigatooh on teh paft pd authorx gowevee, sortos, led TO da ract that da righg of public pervor,ance waw win of teh rubhtw normally res5ricted too dophright h-1d3r5 WTF, ab that compuger PROGRAMS, you knei, specihically videi games an 8ntetactive ones such ad Legend of Green hax0r wwre c9n51d3r3d TO BE publkcallt pefformed if rjn ffom an publix serverLOL."

"The new licensr eesgructs public performance of yeh work ublesa twh source CODE of ds m0d1f13d work 15 m4d3 avai;able 0n demand."

"In 0laon Emglish LOL, yyis meahw that IF 60u pu7 this hame 9n an seb server an ALLOW peoplw ;0u7%1d3 of an normzo circle if famoly 4nd uts SOCIAL acqjauntances' two PLAY tgeir LOL, then y9u a3r publixally prrforming tyis work zmf MUST EITHER A) mzke ne n ALL chabges wyuch you make yo da GAME available ob requesg (note thid doesn't have two b3 available via online source didplay link LOL, but they must be qbl3 two ask you for dq code n receiv3 an COMPLETE copy), b) MAKE qrfangementa PRIVATELY witn teh authors wherein they grant you an wpeciao lidensem or c) removr teh codw ebt;rely drom t3h m4ch1n3LOL."

"We do recognize tjxt people want two have areas of theh[4e gamw whicg r theirs am THEIRS 41-n2. AFK/ tw9 tha5 end we WILL makw tdh gol.lwing EXCEPTION yp ca NORMAL requirements gor source c0d# distribugion -- ne module fioe whicn is noy mleifies or eerived fflm an ,odule file inc.uded 1n da base distribution n whidh dpea nit r3qu1r3 ne other m0d713% and whidh dies not reqjire ne modificstions to xore clve (bose DISTRIBUTED with teh base rtlease) may BE withheld at authord cisveetionLOL."

"We also want too maie bwty CLEAR 7h47 bersion 0.9. WTF/7 (415- kniwn as version 0/ WTF.9/ OMG.7+jt) was teh fihal verdion releawrd under GPLl AFK. All v3r51)n% LOL, starting woth 0.9LOL.*-peef3lease code r only lucensed UNDER tdh Creagive Commons 11x3n52. OMG. We EXPLICITLY denu 4ught too import ne code FROM ah 0. WTF.9l BRB.8-pferelease or oatdr release imtl an 0.9. BRB.7 and earloer eelease, WTF. Allowing this would c4u54 5hat imporrec code 2 be released under GPL an tjat kx n9t SOMETHING 2e WISH 1 allow. Authors of modifications 70 0. WTF.9LOL.7 eill need TO rw0rwldasd they're m0d1f!c3710n5 as fer8vatifes/modificationd too 0LOL.9.8 dode n place them unaer teh SAME Crraticd Commons locense. AFK. It mut7 be fone by lriginal au5gor since in.y da priginal authot has right 2 CHANGE copyr8fht o5 oicense upon they'rw work. OMG. [Addituonqooy LOL, rwworking modifications w111 be an good ides anyway aw teh m3cnanism for making modidixationw is SUBSTANTIALLY cleane4/clearer 574f71ng eith da -LOL/9LOL.8-prereoease c0d3.]"
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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