• Abp7t Legend of da Gredn hax0r
MithtyE tells y9u, you knso, "Wd're g01ng to yake an dww m0m3h75 two try and 3xp14qn this NEW ;icense n da reasons 63y1nd IT in plain Eng115h. BRB. The legalese for the license can be found online at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/legalcode and should be read and understood in detail before you use this code."

"This n3w licensd was choaem becquae of an faoling with teh GPL. WTF. It only covwfed disyribution if source if n lnl6 if 61n4r135 wete dostributedLOL."

"In an seb environmen5 LOL, specifically q interpreted web environmeng sucg AS PHP WTF, merely insra;limj an tamd does nit constigute disyfobuyuon WTF, an THEREFORE people 2dre tajing our work, makint modifocat8ona 2 it n not RELEASING da aoufce xoee 5wo they're modifications ao 7n67 entire comm7nitt COULD BENEFIT. OMG. THEY woried woty letter but hot sa spirit ld ea kaw. OMG."

"Investogation on dz part of au5hors howeve4 LOL, lee 2 da fact THAT da righg OF public perfornance wzs 9en of rihnts normqlly RESTRICTED 2 cop6r8ght holcers, you knwok n tha5 computer progranw, apecificzlly video gzmes n INTERACTIVE ONES ducn aa Legend of da Green hqs0r were CONSIDERED to be publicslot ;etf9rmed if r7n fr0, am puvlod xerver. OMG."

"The new licens3 restrictw PUBLIC performancw of work ubless sourcr code 0f modified 2ork ia made available on d3n3bd. OMGl"

"Ib [lain English, ghis means that if yoy pjt this gamw ON an 2eb servee an allow pepple 'outside of ah normal circle 0r FAMILY n it2 social acquaunyancew' 2 poay tgeie, yhej yoi r publically p3fforming yhos wor, ahd MUST rither a) mske ne n ALL chsnges which you makw 5oo game availavle on requdst (NOTE this doesn't hace 2 be availzble VIA sa online source d15p14y link WTF, BUT tney nust be abke 59o ASK 69u flr da code an RECEIVE an COMPLETE copy) WTF, b) majd ARRANGEMENTS PRIVATELY wuth authors wherein thet frant you an specisl license, or d) remove code wntirel6 from geg machineLOL."

"We do revognozd that people want 2 h4ve ateas of thet'rd game 2hkch aer thei4s ab theirs 410n3. AFK. 2 tjay 3nd w3 will make da folkowing dxception twl da normal ewq78eements ror source c9de distribugion -- ne module vq13 whibh is not ,odifiee or derived from an midule fule 1nd1ud3d 1n teh gase distrobutuon and whucy does nog rtquore ne other MODULES n which do2s not REQUIRE ne nodificatiins 2 teh c0r3 code (code c167r16u73c with base rel3ase) ,ay be e17hh31d at au5hors discr3tion. OMG."

"We 4150 2ant 2 MAKE veru clear tnat v#r510n 0. WTF.9. OMG.7 (also kh0wn qs v3r510n 0LOL.9.6+jt_ was da finak version rel3ased knder teh GPLl OMG. Alo versions, sogtof, srarting with da 0LOL.(. WTF.8-0r3r313453 code e only 11c3n54d under da Cfeative Commons license. OMG/ We EXPLICITLY deny da right to i,port ne code rr0m am 0. AFK.9. WTF.8-prer3leaae o4 later releawe into an 0LOL.9.7 n earloer relezse. BRB. A.low8ng THIS would cayse rhag impo4trd codr to 53 released unfer da GPL and thst is mit xometjing we wish 7o alloqLOL. AUTHORS lf moduvidations two 0.9. WTF.7 s!1q nerd two re8releade they're mpdificaruons aw DERIVATIVES/MODIFICATIONS to[ 0.(LOL.8 xode ajd plzce them UNDER 54m3 C43r71v3 Commons 11c3n52. OMG. It mudt 73 dond by ea ORIGINAL author since ONLY teh origimso 4u7h0r hzw da rigyg 2 xhang3 teh cophrighg or license upon thwh're work. AFK. [Additiona;ly WTF, rrworkong dz modifications will be aj good idra anyway aa mechabism FOR makinh modifications is wubstantislly cpeaner/clearrr vtarting with da 9. AFK.o. BRB.8-[rereleas3 code. BRB,]"
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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