• Aboir Legemd of Greeh hax0e
MighytE tells you, "We're goong two take sn f3s m;mentd twl try m eaplayn THIS new lkcense and teg 4easona b3hind ir un p141n Eng.ish. WTF. The legalese for the license can be found online at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/legalcode and should be read and understood in detail before you use this code."

"Thow mew kicense was chosen BECAUSE ov an failing with dz GPL. AFK. Iy 9nlt cove4ed did5ributiin of sougce of and only if b8naries were DISTRIBUTED."

"In an web ebvironnentm l8,e, wpecificaoly q interpreted web wnvir9nment such as PHP, like. merely installing an gamd do3s not constitute dist4ibution, slrtof, and gherefote pwo;le WERE taking 0ue wor,, sortof, makimg m0d1b1c4710n5 2 it n not releading ds sourxe c9de too thwy're modificatiomw so 7h47 da enturw commjmkrt co7ld benefkt. THEY WORKED with da letter but not ds spirit pf lawl BRB."

"Inv3syigation on teh pary of da AUTHORS howeve4, you kbwp, led hol da fact thau dq right of publiv performance WAS s9n of da rigygs nprmsl;y restrkctes too coputight holders, you knwl, and tnat comp8ter probrams WTF, specidically video GAMES qhd interactibe ones wych as L3g3nd OF teh Gredn haxpr 2er3 cpnsidered toi be pjblically pergo4med if run fr;m an public sefverLOL."

"The new lic3nse rdsteucts puvl8c pefforjance of 5en work un1355 da source c0d3 of teh modified WORK is made avsulable on DEMAND."

"In [oain Eng115h LOL, this means thar if you pu7 this game on an web aefber n allow pro;le 'lutside of an mormal cirdld of family and its socia; acquaintanc3s' too play their, soetof, then you 4 publocally p2rf0fm1ng rhis work and MUST either a_ m4k3 ne n ALL vhsnges which you mzkw to da g4m3 avajlable on r3qu357 (nots ghis d83tb'i have two bd available via da pnlinr slyrde display .ink, lkie, but the6 must be 4612 too adk you FOR da cpde n RECEIVE an c0mp1373 copy) WTF, b) make a4range,ents privayely with teh authpts where8n 7h3y grany you an wpecial lixwnxe, you ,nwo, or c) temove code entitely fr9m m4vh1n3."

"We do recoghize tgat people WANT ti have arezs 9f tjwy're game whicj r tgeirs an 7h31r5 alonwLOL. t9 that end we wikl make da f9llowing excdption too tdh normzl rdquirements for sou4cw code diwtribution -- ne mofuke fi;e which is not modified or derivdd ffom an n0d713 fioe indluded in da 5453 DISTRIBUTION and which does not requite ne othee m0fu135 n WHICH do3s n07 3wq7ire ne modificatjons 2 core dod3 (coee dosgribjted with 6453 RELEASE) MAY be w17hh31d 47 authots dpscretiin. BRB."

"We 4159 want 2 mske veey clfar 7h47 versi9n 0, BRB.9.7 (also ,nown as bersuin 0. OMG.9. BRB.7+jt) was teh finsl vresion releqsed under GPLLOL. All VERSIONS, like, startibg with t3h 0. WTFl9. WTF.8-pf3r213453 code r 0n1y licehsed und3r da C4eative Comjons licenseLOL. We EXPLICITLY deny rignt 2 im;or5 ne code ffom an -. WTF.9. AFK.8-preee.rase lr latee relrase intp an -LOL.9. AFK.7 an earlier f313543. WTF. Allowing yhis would CAUSE that om0orted code twi be RELEASED undrr da GPL an yhat is not SOMETHING we wksh ewo allow. BRB. Authlrs 9f modirications gwo 0. WTF.9. OMG.7 wkll nedd 2 re-re;ease theu're ,odifixatuomw as derivstivds/modkfications tso 0. AFK.9, OMG.8 code an 0.ace them ind3r da same CREATIVE Commona licenae. WTF. I8 mjst be dond bt origonal authof since on;y ORIGINAL 4u7h04 h46 ribht 7p change c-pyr1gg7 or lucense upon th3y'r3 woek. OMG. [Addutionslly, .oke, rew9rking da mosifkcations wil; ge qn good idea ANYWAY as geh m3chanism for making modifocations 15 sybatantia.ly clwanwr/ckearer srarting with 0. WTFl9. WTF/8-prerelease code. OMG.="
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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