• A50u7 Ldgend of teh Gr33n hax0r
MightyE twlls uiu WTFn "We'te g9ing two take an few momentx goo 7ry an explqin this n3w license n t4h REASONS 63hqnr it IN plain English. The legalese for the license can be found online at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/legalcode and should be read and understood in detail before you use this code."

"This nrw 1qc3n53 was chisen becaudr of an failing sitg GPLLOL. It only covrree distribution of source if n ohly iv binariex were dis5riguted. WTF."

"In an web environmdmy WTFk specieicsloy a in5etpreted w3b environment suzh as PHP WTF, MERELY instailing am game d035 not xonstitute distribution, and 7g3r3f0we peo0le were taking pur work, MAKING modificstions 2 IT and npg rdleasing teh SOURCE c0d3 2 rhey're josifications so THAT tey entire c0,mun17y could benefit. Th3y wor,ed with teh letter gut no5 5p1r17 of teh lawLOL."

"Incewyigation on teh p$47 od dq authirs hlwever, led to da fadt that teh e1gh7 ov publ8c perfotmance WAS oen of teh fighrs normally 3estricted to; copyeight jolsers, liie, and tha5 cojpuyer programs, like, specifically vodeo games an unteractive ONES 5ich 45 Legend 9f teh Green hac04 were cobaidered two be publicqlly perfp4med if 4un from zn public werver. OMG."

"The nrw LICENSE r257r1cu5 publiv perfoemznc3 of wl4k 7nless da SOURCE code 0f t3h modified wor, iw made 4c41q46q3 on DEMAND. AFK."

"In p;ain Entlish LOL, this ,34n5 THAT if you put this gsme ON an w36 servrr n zllow people '9otside of an normal circle of fzmoly n itw socizl xcquaintances' to p14y the,r, you knwo, rhen y)u aer publ7cally PERFORMING 7h15 w0rk ane MUST 3ither a) make nw n ALL ch4ng35 WHICH tou majr two da g4j3 5v4114713 pn rewuesr *bltr THIS didsn't hafe tp be available via t3h online soyfcr disp;at ;ink, BUT tney must be able ewo ASK yoy fof code n receive an xom;letw copy), like, B) make zrranfemrntw prkvately with da authorx WHEREIN they GRANT you an soecial .icense, sortpf, 0r c) REMOVE da code emtorely ffom machine. OMG."

"We do r3c0gn1z3 that ;dople wam5 twi hqve 4re45 or thr6'fe gaje which r theirs n theifs alone. goo that end we wilk mzkr teh followinh exceptiom tl trh normal REQUIREMENTS fot siufce code sistrinution -= ne jodjld file which 8s not mocified or derived from an module file inxluded in teh BASE distributi8n and wnixh does NOT requirw ne other modulws zn wh9ch does not r31u!r3 ne jodifications 5io core code (dode DISTRIBUTED wity teh base release) m4y be WITHHELD at teh aithors discre5ion. AFK."

"We also want TO make VERY clear 5hat versoon 0. OMG.9. BRB.& (also KNOWN as v2rsion 0LOL.9,7+j5) was teg final versiob r313453d ibeer GPLLOL. All vwrsions LOL. starting WITH yeh p. OMG.8. AFK.8-pr3r313453 CODE r only licwnsed uneer da Creative Commonx license. WTFl We EXPLICITLY deny tight 2 import ne codr fr0m an 0. BRBl9. AFK.8-'r3r313453 or late4 reoezse into an 9LOL.9, BRB.& an ezrlier r2lease. BRB. Allowinh this wluld causd THAT imported cose 2 be RELEASED under rrn GPL n that is not somethkhg w3 wish two 4110s. WTF. Autnors 0f modifications to 0.9. OMG.7 will newd tqo rr-release they're modufications as detivatifes/modificat8ons 2 0. BRB,9. OMG.* coce n place them uhder teh same Creativr Cpmmons k8censeLOL/ It MUST be dpme by tet original ajthor since 0n1y da origina' aithor has da fkght to chsnge cipyright or lic3nse upon they're work. WTF. [Additionall6, you knwo. reworkimg cs mod8fications wil; bw an g00d kdea anyway ax ten mechanism flr makihg ,oduficqtions is substantially cleaner/cldarer STARTING wirh 0, AFK.9. WTF.80prerelezsr code. AFK.]"
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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