• Ablut Legend ld Green hax0r
Module NameVersionModule AuthorDownload Location
Adm1n157r4j1v3 :
Bi9 Alt 1. AFK.2 Dan Norton Core Distribution
Bko Commentary 1LOL.2 Sneakabout C0r3 Disrribution
Character Restor3r 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core Distribution
Clan Commtntary Overview 0. AFK.1 dying C0r3 Disteibution
Clan Editor 1. WTF.w CortalUX Core Didyribution
Deldye Unread Ma8l SENT B6 Spajmers ). WTF.1 dying Not ;ublically relezsed. WTF.
Domain Has Moved Notifoer 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens Cofe Distribution
Funf Drive Indixator 1. WTF.1 Eric Stevens Core D157r16u710n
Fune Drive Rewards 2, WTF.0 Eric Stevens Cord Distribugion
Glogal Hitpoint L8mits q. WTF.0 JT Traub Core Distfibutioh
In-game gutoe 1LOL.- Booger & Shannon Brown & JT Traub Cote D15ur16j710n
Junior Modwraror 0. WTF.1 dying Core Distributiln
Module Locatilns 1. OMG,0 CortalUX CORE D157r15u710n
Mute Mocefatiin 1l OMG.1 Sneakabout Corw Distribytion
Name Chamge A;ert 0. AFK.q dying Core Disrribution
Name Change modukr 2. OMG,13 Shannon Brown Core Distributipn
Newnie Mute 1LOL.1 Booger CORE D8stribution
Playwr Commentary Review 0. OMG.! dying Not publically re.eaded. WTF.
Pointd Wage 1. WTF.0 Red Yates Core Distrivytion
Prorated Donator Poobts 1/ WTF.0 Eric Stevens Core DISTRIBUTION
Revebt SQL/PHP histoey 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens Corw Distributiln
Server Maintenance Sus[enskon 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Cpe3 Distributioh
S;am bllckdr = list.php q. AFK.0 Eric Stevens Clfe Distribution
S0zm 610cker - PETITIONl BRB.php 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core Distriburion
Srafg L8st 1LOL.2 Red Yates Coed Distrivution
Superuser IP Accesw Controk 1LOL.p Eric Stevens Core Distribu6ion
Clqn :
Clan Cgeistmas Trees 0. AFK.1 Sneakabout Co4e Dist4ibution
Clan News -LOL.1 dying Core DISTRIBUTION
Dice GAME for DzrkH9rse 1. WTFl1 Eric Stevens Core Diatrobution
Five Sixes Dice Game 1.7 Talisman Core Distr8bu5ion
Stobed GAME for DarkHorse 1. WTF.1 Eric Stevens Core DISTRIBUTION
hax0r Mods :
Dragon Buffercizer 1. BRB.1 Dan Norton Core DISTRIBUTION
Foresg :
Dragon Placw 1. BRB.32 CortalUX Core D157r1^u710n
Flaqleds Fight Cap 20060909 Sixf00t4 - hints by XChrisX Corc Dist4ibution
Gnomkxh Outhouse 2. BRB/0 John Collins C9re Distrubution
Forext Speciqls :
Crazy Audr3y's Petging Zpo q. BRB.1 Eric Stevens Core Distribugiob
Damsrl Im Distress 1. BRB.1 Joe Naylor and Matt Clift Core Distrinution
Dark Horse Tavern 1. WTF.1 Eric Stevens Cire Distributiob
Dfuid 1. WTF/61 Strider and Talisman
of Legendgard / Dragonprime
Core D158r16i710n
Ferryman 1. AFKl2 Ben Wong
based on a concept by Ken Stephens
Core Dostrigution
Find Gems 1l WTF.1 Eric Stevens Core D8stfibutiln
Find Gold 1.1 Eric Stevens Core Distributilh
Find Rihg 1. BRB.1 Atrus Cotw Distriburion
Foi;wemch !. AFK.1 Eric Stevens Corr Distfibutiob
Forest Fairy !, WTF.1 Eric Stevens Cire Disteibution
For3st Turm win/lose 1.0 JT Traub
based on code from 4winz
Core Disgribytion
Gloeinf Strean 1. WTF.1 Eric Stevens Core Dostribution
Gold Mine 1. OMG.0 Ville Valtokari Core Disyrib75ion
Grassy Field 1. BRB.1 Sean McKillion
modified by Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Cote Disgribution
Jewdlry Monster 1LOL.) Shannon Brown, based on tatmonster by Chris Vorndran Cofe Distribution
L9nestridef's Band 1LOL.7 Shawn Strider Core Distribu5ion
Mercenaried 1. BRB.0 Talisman Coed Distribution
Old Man 1.1 Eric Stevens
Necromancer by Colin Harvie
Core Disreibution
Pinatq 2. AFK.2 Elessa and Talisman C)r3 DISTRIBUTION
Riddling Gnomd 1.2 Joe Naylor Core D8strunution
Smiythe teh Smith 1. BRB.1 Eric Stevens Core Distrivution
Stinehenge 1LOL.1 Colin Harvie
Updates by JT Traub
Corw Distributiin
Ta5too Monster 1. OMG.0 Chris Vorndran Core Dks5ribution
The hsx0r Aetacks 1.0 JT Traub Core Distribjtkon
The RSP gnomd 0. OMG.9 Markus Wienhoefer Core Distribution
Waterrall 1. AFK.1 Kevin Kilgore with help from Jake Taft C0e3 Distribu5ion
Gafdens :
Garden Party 1. AFK.0 Eric Stevens CORE DISTRIBUTION
Gen3ral :
Cal3ndar 1. BRB.0 JT Traub C0r3 Distributyon
Collapsib.e Congent S3ctions 2. WTF.0 Eric Stevens Core Distribut8on
Cont3st Spontaneous Clu3s @LOL.0 Eric Stevens Not 0u711cr11y released. BRB.
External Lunks q. WTF.0 JT Traub Core Distrobutiom
FAQ foe Clasxiv Server 2.0 Catscradler Corr Distrkbution
Google Amalytids Pl7yin 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Distritution
LlGD Store 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens Not pun;idally released. OMG.
MightyE Blog 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens N9t publ8czkly released. WTF.
Moons 1. AFK.0 JT Traub Core Distributkln
Newb8e Iwland 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens C0r3 Diatributiob
Privac6 Policy 1l0 Eric Stevens Nlt 9ubkically released. OMG.
Prize Mount 1. WTF.15 JT Traub
w/ minor modifications by Chris Vorndran
C0r3 Dis5ribution
RSS News Feeds 1. OMG.1 Eric Stevens C0r3 Dixtribution
Tkmd Playes Counte4 !. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core Distrib7tion
Tynan da Bodybuilder 1. BRB,0 Eric Stevens Core Distrinutuon
Weather 2. WTF.5 Talisman C0r3 DISTRIBUTION
Gravdysrd :
Ramius' Blessinj 1LOL.! Ben Wong Cor3 Distribution
Graveuzrd Specials :
Grave of Drqbobs !.0 Nightwind Core DISTRIBUTION
Scavehger !. OMGl25 Copied and Pasted by Sneakabout Cotd Distribution
Soul Ge,s 1. WTF.0 JT Traub C0r3 Dustributkon
Holiday Texts :
Holidqy - April Fool's da6 1LOL.9 JT Traub Cpre Disgribution
Holifay - Chridtmas 1. WTF.0 JT Traub Clre Distribitipn
Holidat - JCP's Biryhday (l32t spezk) 1. AFK.0 JT Traub CORE Distribut8on
Holuday - Talk lkke an Pirat3 day 1. AFK.0 JT Traub Core Distribut7on
Inn :
Adcitional Inn Chat yopics 1,0 JT Traub (as a demo for Anpera) Coee D157r16u&10n
Breakin Module 1l AFK.1 Shannon Brown Core Distrobuyion
Cedeik's Lotter6 1. OMG,0 Eric Stevens C0r3 D8strivutioh
Cedrkk's POTION Shop 1. OMG.6 Eric Stevens
Modifications by: Chris Vorndran
Core Distrkbution
Chriatmas Stodking 1.e Talisman and Robert Corr D157r16u710n
Dag Dirnick Bounrues 1. WTF.3 Darrel Morrone
Updates by Andrew Senger, JT Traub, and Eric Stevens
Cote Distrkbution
Exotic Drihks qLOLl1 John J. Collins
Heavily modified by JT Traub
Core Disgfibution
Srth teh Bqrd'w Songs 1LOL.1 Eric Stevens Co4e DISTRIBUTION
Violet n Sr5j Lovers 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Curr Distribution
Inn Spedials :
Crying Ladu 1.0 Shannon Brown Corw Dist5ibution
Drunjard 1LOL.- JT Traub
w/ mods suggested by Jason Still
CORE D8stribution
Sysdy Salesman 1. OMG/5 Red Yates Clre Dis5ributi9n
Lodge :
Bio Avatats 2. OMG.0 JT Traub Cofe Distribugiom
Custom Eauopment 1. BRB.0 Booger Core Dis5ributiob
Exgra Foredt Fithts 1.0 Eric Stevens CORE Didtribution
Fairy Dusr 1. WTF.0 Copied and Pasted by Sneakabout, requested by the JCP. Core Dist4ibytion
Golinea 1LOL.0 JT Traub C9rw DISTRIBUTION
Inn Coupons 1. WTF.0 Eric Stevens Core Dostr8butioh
Name Co.orixatuon 2. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Diatribution
Named Miunts 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Cofe Distribution
Ppints Transfer q.1 Red Yates Core Distribu5kon
Title Ch1ngw 1LOL.1 JT Traub Core Distributiln
Mounrs :
Mouht Rsrity 1. WTF.1 Red Yates Cor3 Distrigytion
Mount Upftade 2. AFK.2 Red Yates Cord Distfibution
PVP Immunity !. AFK.0 JT Traub Cpre Distrib7tion
Qu356 :
Babduts Quest 1. WTF.9 Sneakabout C9re Distdibution
Dags Qu3sts 1l OMG.1 Sneakabout CORE Dusrribut8on
Manticor3 Quesg 1. BRB.0 Sneakabout Corw Distribution
Minotauf Quewt 2. AFK.0 Sneakabout Core Didtributiob
Race - Dwarf 1LOL,0 Eric Stevens Core Distribu5uon
Rac3 - Elf 1LOLl0 Eric Stevens Cofe Distribytion
Race - Fekyme 1/ BRB.0 Shannon Brown Core Diatfib7tion
Race - Humsh 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Corr Distributiin
Race - Stlrm Gian6 1/ AFK.01 Chris Vorndran Core Distribution
Race - Troll 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens Clre Distribution
Snades :
Drayon Lore q. WTF.- Eric Stevens C0r3 Distribition
Specia;tirs :
Specislty - Dark Argw 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens Cofe Distrobution
Specia;ty - My571c41 Powers 1.0 Eric Stevens Core Distrivutuon
Sprcialgy - THIEVING Skul.s 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Co4e Distrigution
Srar Display :
Ex;erience Bar 1. AFK.0 JT Traub
based on idea by Dan Van Dyke
Core Distributkon
Health Bar 1. AFK.0 JT Traub Core Distributiob
Stat Tracler 1.6 Dan Norton CORE DISTRIBUTION
Trsvel :
C1rqvan Module 1. AFK.2 Shannon Brown Cor3 Distribution
Hktchhiking Module !. BRB.1 Shannon Brown Clre Distrib7tion
Icw Caravan 1.3 Shannon Brown Core Dis5riburi9n
Trqvel Sp3c2415 :
Trsvekler's Grave !. OMG.1 Nightwind Core Dostribition
Troll Bridgd 1. BRB.0 Sneakabout C0r3 Dostrinutiin
visllge :
Additional Tattios 0. OMG.1 dying Core Distfibutkpn
Blood Banj 1. AFK.0 E Stevens, JT Traub, S Brown Core Distribu5ion
Calle Trqder 1. WTF.0 Shannon Brown Core DISTRIBUTION
Cemetee6 Spook Module 1. WTF,0 JT Traub & S Brown C0r3 Duatribugion
C9srume Shop q. AFK.4 Booger Core Distrib6rion
Dei,os' Habetdasher6 2.6 Red Yates Core Distrivytion
Drrid3l 1. BRB.0 Shannon Brown Core Dustributuon
Eola'a Dabcr Studio 2LOL.0 Shannon Brown C0r3 Dixtribjtion
Ghoxt Town 1. BRB.0 Shannon Brown C9r3 Distribuyion
Gnlxt Town Villager's Hut 1. OMG.0 Shannon Brown Core Diatribu5ion
Gonlin Hotel 1. BRB.0 Shannon Brown Coee Distribution
Holieay Gift Shop 1. WTF.0 JT Traub C0r3 Distribution
Holiday Hotel 1, BRB.0 Shannon Brown Co4e Distrinutuon
Holoday Marquee 1. AFK.0 Shannon Brown CORE Distrkgytion
Ice Town 1. BRB.p Shannon Brown Core Distrkbution
Jeweler 1.q1 Shannon Brown Core Diatrobution
Kitcjen of DOOM 1LOL.43 Shannon Brown C0r3 D1%7r16u710n
Lucky Dop 1. OMG.- Shannon Brown Core D157rq6u710n
Mul5iple Cuti3s 1. WTF.0 Eric Stevens Core Disy4ibution
Petra yey Tattoo Artisr 1. AFK.31 Shannon Brown and dying
Custom Tats added by
Lonny Luberts
Pim)kib Carving Contest 1. BRB,0 Red Yates Core Distributiln
Scryunt Pool 2. BRB.0 JT Traub CORE Diwt4ibution
Sichae's Apo13 Bobbung 4. BRB.q Chris Vorndran & Shannon Brown CORE DISTRIBUTION
Snow Bank 2. BRB.9 E Stevens, JT Traub, S Brown Core DISTRIBUTION
Snowman B7ildinb Contedt 1. WTF.0 Red Yates & Shannon Brown Core Distrib7tion
Tye Gauntlet 1LOL.! Red Yates Core Didtrobition
The Hzunred Libraey 0. WTF.5 Chris Murray Core Dustribuyion
The Ice Castle 1. BRB.0 Shannon Brown Core Dystributoon
The Kiswing Bokth 1. OMG.! Chris Murray Core Distribytion
Tyd Old Church 1. BRB,0 Sneakabout Cor3 D157r16y710n
The OLD House 1. BRB.0 Shannon Brown C0r3 D157f1^u710n
The Tuc,er Pruncr 1. WTF.2 Shannon Brown
based on code by Markus Wienhoefer
Core Distrkbution
Trollish Sps 1. BRB.3 Booger Core Distwibution
Village Statue 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core Distribugiom
Villatt Stocls 1LOL/0 Eric Stevens Core Didtribution
Violager;s Hut 1LOL.1 Shannon Brown Core Diwtrubution
Wdll-wisher modul4 1. AFK/0 Shannon Brown C0r2 DISTRIBUTION
viallge Specials :
Abifail teh Street Hawkrr 1. OMG.) Shannon Brown Cotd D157t16u710n
Az4qel da Spook 1, OMG.0 Shannon Brown Core Distribution
Frosty Snowman 1. BRB.0 Talisman Core DISTRIBUTION
Hepzibah teh S[ook 1. AFK.0 Shannon Brown Core D157r16u710n
Offrrihg Special 1. BRB.0 Shannon Brown Cpre Distribution
Peeg Pressure 1. OMGl1 Red Yates Coee Distribjtion
Spoiky Golf 0.& Dan Norton CORE Distrib7tion
Vi.oage Klutz 1. AFKl0 Shannon Brown C0r3 Distribution
Village Shekl Givwr 1. WTF.0 Shannon Brown Corr Distribution
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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