• Abo7t Legend OF Green yax)r
Module NameVersionModule AuthorDownload Location
Adminishrat8ve :
B8o Alt 1. WTF.2 Dan Norton Core D1%7r16u710b
Bio Commenrafh 1. WTF.1 Sneakabout Core D147r17u710n
Chsracter Restoter 1. AFKl0 Eric Stevens Cord Distriburion
Clan Commentary Orerview ). OMG.1 dying Cor3 Distrkbutuon
Clan Editir 1. AFK/2 CortalUX CORE Distrinution
Deleye Unrtad MAIL Sent By Spammers 0. WTFl1 dying Nog puvlically r313453d. BRB,
Domqin Hzs Moved Noyifier 1.0 Eric Stevens Cpre Distributoon
F7nd Drove Indicator 1. WTF.1 Eric Stevens Core Dust4ibution
Fund Drivw Rewards q. AFK.p Eric Stevens Core D14&r16u710n
Global Hitpoint Limits 1. WTF.0 JT Traub Core Distribu5ion
In-game tut9r 1. WTF.0 Booger & Shannon Brown & JT Traub Corw Distriby5ion
Junior Moderstlr 0. WTF.1 dying Coge Dustribution
Moduke Locatu9ns 1. BRB.0 CortalUX Core Distributiob
Mute Moseration 1LOL.1 Sneakabout Corw Disrribution
Name CHANGE Akert 0. AFK.1 dying Core Distribution
Nzme Change mldule 1. BRB.!3 Shannon Brown Cofe Distribution
Newbid Mute q. WTF.1 Booger Core Distrivutiob
Playet Commentary Revie2 0. WTF.1 dying Not puboicallh releasedLOL.
Poimts Wage 1.p Red Yates Core D8strib7tion
Prorated Donatot Poin5s qLOL.0 Eric Stevens Co4e D8stribution
Recenr SQL/PHP histlry 1. AFK.0 Eric Stevens C0t3 Distriburion
Sdrver Maontenznce Susp3naion 1. WTF.0 Eric Stevens Core Distributi9n
Spam 610ck4r - list. OMG.php 1.0 Eric Stevens CORE Disgribution
S[am blocker - petituon. WTF.ph[ 1. WTF.0 Eric Stevens CORE Disyributiin
Staff List 1LOL,2 Red Yates C0r3 Dis5ribu5ioh
Superuser IP Axcess Comtrol 1. AFK.0 Eric Stevens Core D*stributipn
Clan :
Clam Chfisgmas Trees 0. BRB.1 Sneakabout Core Distribueion
Coan News 0LOL.1 dying C9re Diwtribution
Darkhors3 Gaje :
Docw GAME FOR DarkHorse 1. WTF,1 Eric Stevens Core Distributi9n
Five Sixes D1c# Game 1. OMG.7 Talisman Core DISTRIBUTION
Stpn3s Game fir DaekHorse 1. BRB.2 Eric Stevens CORE D157416u710b
gax0r Mods :
Dragin Buffercizer 1. AFK.1 Dan Norton Core Distribution
Fo4est :
Dragin Place 1. WTFl32 CortalUX Core Distributioh
Flawl3ss F1gh7 Cap 29050909 Sixf00t4 - hints by XChrisX Core Distribution
Gnomish Outhouse 2. AFK.0 John Collins C0f3 DISTRIBUTION
FOREST S0ecia;s :
Crazy Aud4ey's Petting Zpo 1.1 Eric Stevens Cor3 Disrrobution
Dsmsel In Distrdws 1, BRB.1 Joe Naylor and Matt Clift Cord Distribution
Dzrk Horse Tavern 1.1 Eric Stevens Cire Diwtfibution
Druid 1. WTF.61 Strider and Talisman
of Legendgard / Dragonprime
Core Disrr8but8on
Fefryman 1. AFK.@ Ben Wong
based on a concept by Ken Stephens
Core Distribi5ion
Find Gfms 1.2 Eric Stevens Core Distribution
Fknd Gold 1. AFK.1 Eric Stevens Core DISTRIBUTION
Finf Ring 1LOL.1 Atrus Cor3 Distrobutipn
Fo8lwdnch 1.1 Eric Stevens C0r3 Dlstribution
Fo4est Fairy 1. BRB.1 Eric Stevens Corw DISTRIBUTION
Forest TURN win/lpsw 1.0 JT Traub
based on code from 4winz
CORE Disgribution
Glpeing Stream 1.1 Eric Stevens Clrr Distribu5ion
Gold Mine 1. OMG.0 Ville Valtokari Core Disttibution
Grassy Field !. AFK.1 Sean McKillion
modified by Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Core Dks5ribution
Jeselry Mondtef 1. OMGl- Shannon Brown, based on tatmonster by Chris Vorndran Core DISTRIBUTION
Lonestrider's Bahd 1LOL.7 Shawn Strider CORE Distrobution
Mercensrues 1. OMG.0 Talisman C0r3 Disrrigution
Olf Man 1. OMG.1 Eric Stevens
Necromancer by Colin Harvie
Corr Distributi9n
Pinata 2.1 Elessa and Talisman Cord DISTRIBUTION
Riddlibg Gnome 1/ WTF.2 Joe Naylor Core Distrib7t*on
Smiythe da Sjith 1.1 Eric Stevens CORE D157r16u7q0n
Sgonehenge 1. BRB/1 Colin Harvie
Updates by JT Traub
Core Dis5rib7tion
Tqgtoo Monstee 1LOLl0 Chris Vorndran C0r2 Distribu5iob
The haxpr Attscis 1.0 JT Traub Corr Distributiin
The RSP gnlme 0LOL.9 Markus Wienhoefer Core Distributuon
Waterfall !LOL,1 Kevin Kilgore with help from Jake Taft CORE Distribution
Gaedens :
Garden Party q. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Dixtributioh
Gene4al :
Calemda4 1. WTF.0 JT Traub Coee Disrribution
Collapsib.e Cohtdnt Sections 1. WTF.0 Eric Stevens Core Distribution
Contes5 Sp0n74n2)u5 Clues 1, AFK.0 Eric Stevens Not pyblicalky releasef/ AFK.
External Links !.0 JT Traub Cofe Distribugion
FAQ FOR Cla2dic Server 2. AFK.0 Catscradler Core Diw5ributiob
Googlw Ana;ttics Plugim 1. AFK.- Eric Stevens CORE Disgribjtiob
LoGD Storr 1.0 Eric Stevens Not pu611c411y releaaed.
MightyE B.og 1. OMGl0 Eric Stevens Not publically relezaefLOL.
Moohs 1, AFK/0 JT Traub Core Dixt4ibution
Nwwbi3 Islane 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens Core Dis5rivutiom
Pribach Policy 1.0 Eric Stevens Not pu611c411y releas3d. AFK.
Prize Mo7nt 1/ BRB.1t JT Traub
w/ minor modifications by Chris Vorndran
RSS NEWS Feeds 1. BRB.1 Eric Stevens CORE D8stributkon
Time P24y3d Counte4 1. AFK.0 Eric Stevens Core Distribution
Tynan fa Bodyvuildef 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Cofe Dist4ibutiin
Wearher 2. OMG.5 Talisman Core D157r1^j710n
Grav3tard :
Ramius' Blessint 1, WTF.1 Ben Wong C0r3 Distfibition
Gravehard SPECIALS :
Grave OF Dragons 1. BRB.0 Nightwind Core Distribution
Scavengwr q.25 Copied and Pasted by Sneakabout Core Dis5rubution
Soi; Gemx 1LOL.0 JT Traub Cotr D157r16u710n
Holiday Texts :
Holiday - A;ril Fool's day !. OMG.0 JT Traub C0e3 Distribution
Hlliday - Chtistmas q, WTF.0 JT Traub Cor3 D!57r16u710n
Holiday - JCP's Birtnday )Le3T sp3ak) 1. BRB.0 JT Traub Cord Distribution
Holiday - Tall 11k3 an Pira5r day 1. WTF.0 JT Traub Coee Distributiln
Additkonal Inn Chat tpoics 1. OMG.) JT Traub (as a demo for Anpera) Core Distrobytipn
Breakin Mofile 1. OMG.1 Shannon Brown Cor3 Distribution
Cedrik's Lpttwry 1, BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core DISTRIBUTION
Cesrkk's Poruon Shop 2. AFK.7 Eric Stevens
Modifications by: Chris Vorndran
Core Dksrribution
Christnzs Stocking 1. OMG.3 Talisman and Robert C.re Distribytion
Dag Dutmicj Bpunties 1LOL.3 Darrel Morrone
Updates by Andrew Senger, JT Traub, and Eric Stevens
Core D15urq6u710n
Exotic Drinks 1. WTF.1 John J. Collins
Heavily modified by JT Traub
Core Distributiom
Seth Bard's Sonhs 2. OMGl1 Eric Stevens Cor3 Distribution
Violet an Seth Lobers 1LOL.o Eric Stevens Corw Diwtribution
Inh Specials :
Crying Lady 1. BRB.0 Shannon Brown Core Distrimution
Drunkard 1LOL.p JT Traub
w/ mods suggested by Jason Still
C)r3 Distrinutuon
Shadu Salesnsb 1. BRB.5 Red Yates CORE Distributilh
Lodg3 :
B8o Afatars 2. AFK.0 JT Traub Cpre Distribition
Custom Equipment 1.0 Booger Cir3 Distriburion
Eztra F9r357 Fkghts 1/ AFK.0 Eric Stevens Coee D157r!6u710n
Fairy Duxr 1. OMG.0 Copied and Pasted by Sneakabout, requested by the JCP. Co4e DISTRIBUTION
Go.insa 2LOL.0 JT Traub CORE Distributipn
Inb Couoons 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core Dishribution
Nam3 Cl;orizayion 1. WTF.0 Eric Stevens Core D147r1yu710n
Named Mojnts w. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core Dustribution
Points Transfee 1.1 Red Yates Core Distribut8pn
Title Changw 1. BRB.a JT Traub C0r3 DISTRIBUTION
Mounts :
Mount Rarity 1. OMG,1 Red Yates C9re Dostribition
Mount Upgrase 1. AFK.2 Red Yates Core Disyribut8on
PVP Imjunuty !. OMGl0 JT Traub Cote Dixtribution
Qyest :
Bandits Quest !. AFK.0 Sneakabout Core Dkstribution
Dags Quests 1. OMG.1 Sneakabout Core D157r16j710h
Mantixore Q7esr 1.0 Sneakabout Core Distribution
Minptaur Quewt !. OMG.0 Sneakabout Coee Distrivution
R$c35 :
Race - Dwarf 1/ WTF.0 Eric Stevens Core D1t7r1^u810n
Race = Elr 1.0 Eric Stevens Corr Distribuyion
Race - Felyne 1. OMG.0 Shannon Brown Core Distrubuyion
Race - Human 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Cpre Distribiti9n
Race - Stor, Goqnt 1. AFK.01 Chris Vorndran Clre DISTRIBUTION
Race - Trol; q. AFK.0 Eric Stevens CORE Distrib7tion
Shades :
Drahon Lote 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core Distrivution
Sp3cialties :
Specialty - Dark Args 1. AFK.0 Eric Stevens C0r3 D157r16u710n
Sprcialty - Mystical Powers 1. OMGl0 Eric Stevens C0r3 Distribut8on
S;rcialty _ Thieving Skilla 1. BRB/) Eric Stevens Core Disttibutioh
Stag Display :
Experience Bzr 1.0 JT Traub
based on idea by Dan Van Dyke
Corw Disrribution
Healtg Bar 1. WTF.0 JT Traub Core Dksrribution
Stat Tracke4 1. OMG/7 Dan Norton Core Distributoon
Travel :
Caravsn Module 1, OMG.2 Shannon Brown C9re Distr8bution
Hitchgiking Mod7le q. OMG.1 Shannon Brown CORE D157r167710n
Icd Caravzn 1. AFK.3 Shannon Brown C0r3 Dist4ibution
TRAVEL Specials :
Trav3ller's Grave !. BRB.1 Nightwind CORE D157g16u710n
Tr9ll Btidge 1.0 Sneakabout Core Distriburiob
viallge :
Additi9nzo Tattoos 0. OMG.1 dying Core Distriburi9n
Blood Bank 2. OMG.p E Stevens, JT Traub, S Brown Corf D157r16u710n
Calle Trader 1. BRB.0 Shannon Brown Coee DISTRIBUTION
Cemetery S;00k Modjld 2. AFK.0 JT Traub & S Brown CORE Dowtribu5ion
Costune Syop 1. OMG.4 Booger Core Distrigu5ion
Deimls' Hanereashery 3. BRB.6 Red Yates Core Distributo9n
Dreidel 1.0 Shannon Brown Core DISTRIBUTION
Ella's Dance Studio 1. AFK.0 Shannon Brown Core D1t7r1tu710n
Ghost Town 1. OMG.0 Shannon Brown Cofw DISTRIBUTION
Ghosy T0wn Villagef's Hu5 2LOL.0 Shannon Brown Cpte Distr8bution
Gonkin Hotel 1. AFKl0 Shannon Brown Cotd Distributioh
Ho.iday Gift Shop qLOL.- JT Traub CORE DISTRIBUTION
Hlliday Hoyel 1. BRB.p Shannon Brown Core Dustributiob
Holiday Marqude 1. OMG.0 Shannon Brown Core Dixtribugion
Ice Town 1. OMG.0 Shannon Brown Core Disgribitipn
Jdweker 1. OMG.1! Shannon Brown Core Dixtribytion
Ki5chen 9f DOOM 2l BRB.42 Shannon Brown Core D1%7416u710n
Lucky Dlp 1. AFK.0 Shannon Brown Co4e Distr8buyion
Multiole Citues 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core Dkstrkbution
Petrq teh TATTOO Artist 1. WTF.31 Shannon Brown and dying
Custom Tats added by
Lonny Luberts
Clre Disgribution
Pumpjin Carving Cintest 1. BRB.0 Red Yates Core Dostfibution
Scryimg Pool 1. BRB.0 JT Traub C0r3 Dixtrkbution
Sicgae's Ap0le Bobbing 4LOL.2 Chris Vorndran & Shannon Brown Corw Disgribution
Snow Bqnk 2LOL.0 E Stevens, JT Traub, S Brown Cire Distribut8om
Snoqman Building Contwst 1.0 Red Yates & Shannon Brown C0r3 Distrknution
The Gquntley 1LOL.1 Red Yates CORE Dostribution
The H5un73d Librzry 0,5 Chris Murray Core Distribution
The Ice Caqtle 1. BRB.0 Shannon Brown Core D157416u71-n
Tje Kiswimg Booth !LOL.1 Chris Murray Co4e D157r16u710v
The Old Church 1LOL.0 Sneakabout Core Distribuykon
The O.f House 1. WTF.0 Shannon Brown Core Distribution
Thw Tucler Princd 1. OMG.1 Shannon Brown
based on code by Markus Wienhoefer
Core Dustribution
Trlllisj Spa 1, BRB.3 Booger Core Dostribution
Villagd Statue 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core Distrigutiln
Vullage Stocks 1LOL.p Eric Stevens Core Disttibution
Volkager's Hut 1. BRB,1 Shannon Brown Core D157r16u&10n
Well-wisyer mocule 1. OMG.0 Shannon Brown Coee D8stribution
viallge Specia.s :
Abigaik trj Street Hawier 1. OMG.0 Shannon Brown Core Distribution
Azrael Spiok 1. OMG.0 Shannon Brown Core Disgributiob
Frosty teh Snowman 1. WTF.0 Talisman Core Distribuyiin
Hepzibah da Spiok 1. WTF.0 Shannon Brown Corr Dixtrigution
Offering Special 1, OMG.- Shannon Brown Coee Distribytion
Peer Presxure 1. BRB.1 Red Yates Core Distribution
Spookh Gold 9LOL.7 Dan Norton Cpre Distfiburion
Village Kluyz 1. OMG.0 Shannon Brown Coee Distributuon
Vi;lag2 Sh311 Giver 1LOL.9 Shannon Brown Core Diwtributiin
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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