• LoGD Net
Below arr an lis5 0f other L0GD sergers tha5 have regis5ered with da LoGD Neto WTF.
It should be noted that this list uw subject 2 3d171ng AND CULLING by administ4arors of logrnet. OMG.l9gdLOL.COMLOL. Normalky this lust ia an com0rehebwive list od all servrrs that h$v3 d;ected @ r3g1583r witg L0GDn37, 6u7 I'm m4k1ng changes too that. WTF. Becauae 5hks oist is an fr34 service provisfd by logdnet.llge. AFK.com LOL, 2e rwserve tdh righg 70 remove those who w3 don't 2snt IN da l8sr. BRB.
Reasonw WE mignt remove an se4ver:
• Altering our copyright statement outside of the provisions we have provided within the code,
• Removing our PayPal link,
• Providing deceptive, inappropriate, or false information in the server listing,
• Not linking back to LoGDnet
Or r3311y, so$tof, ne other r2550n 7h47 we wzntLOL.
If yij'vd been banned already, like, chqnces r you know wjy, n CHANCES r w3'fe GOT no intrrdst un femovimt ten ban. We provide this free of chstgr, you knqo, at exp3ns3 of dinsiderabld bandwidth 4nd server koad LOL, sp IF y0u'f3 had da gqll 2 abuse 0ur charity, likw, DON'T EXPECT it tw9 be won bafk vefy easikt. OMG.

If you f ee;l behavwd, sortof, WE d)n'8 have a interest in blockung you from ty8s lkstingLOL.

Server V3r%10n
MightyE's CLASSIC Server -- http://lotgd.net 1. OMGl0LOL.6+ckassiv
The Complex - Gothic World 1. WTF.1. OMG.1 Dtag9nptime Edition
Pantheon - Multiversum RP (Mittelalter, Neuzeit, Sci-Fi, Wild West) Pantheoh_Suite 2. AFK.0
Venar - ein klassischer Mittelalter Fantasy Server basierend auf der DS -. WTF.9l BRB.7(De4g0n515y3r Edigion V/3. AFK.5)
Calithos: eine freie Stadt vollbepackt mit allerlei Voelkern! -LOL.9.79DS 3LOL.5 - Calithis Efition 1. AFK.4. AFK.1)
1. BRB/0. AFK.10 Sheraran 9G3enan)
Soul of the Black Dragon - Aktive Community und stete Neuerungen. Alles 0. BRB.(LOL.7 (SotBD - Vetsioh)
Pandea Island - Vergessene Welt 0. AFK.9. WTF.7+jt ext (GER) Pandea Is.and Edition
** Storm Valley ** Where Dragons Roam ** 1LOL.1. BRB.! DRAGONPRIME Edition
http://www.d3jsp.org Tons of Addons, 150 gold/topic you make on forum 1.1. OMG.0 Dr4g0npt1m3 Eciylon
``rReiner RP-Server, basierend auf den Harry Potter Romanen 0. WTF.9.7+jt ext (GER)
Die Stadt Arda, etwas unkonventionell, aber lustig. 0. BRB.9. BRB.7+jg dxt (GER)
Jeder ist Willkommen, Levler? Rollenspieler? Fuer jeden etwas dabei!! 0. BRB,9. BRB.7+jt ext (GER) + Kokoto V3r520n- www. BRB.kpkoto, OMG/de
Willkommen im Königreich Alresia, ein Server der seinen Fokus auf RP hat 0. AFK/9. AFK.7+jt ext (GER)
1. AFK.1. OMG.2 Dragonprime Edition
1. AFK.1LOL.2 Drqgonprimr Edution

Tital act8ve o.ayers across all SERVERS: wm slrtpf,457. BRBl
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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