• LoGD News
News fer Tue, Sep 17, 2024 (Items 1 - 50 o' 68)
Stablehand LerissaMordin has defeated her master, EauSalee t' advance t' level 3 after 1 day!!
Stablehand LerissaMordin has defeated her master, matey, Vyrts t' advance t' level 2 after 1 day!!
Stablehand LerissaMordin was hunted down by their master, Vyrts, fer bein' truant.
Shepherd UsedToBeTrunks an' Violet were seen headin' up th' stairs in th' inn together.
Shepherd UsedToBeTrunks has challenged their master, Vyrts an' lost!
"KHAQQ callin' Itasca. We must be on ye, but cannot see ye. Fists be runnin' low."
Shepherd UsedToBeTrunks was hunted down by their master, Vyrts, fer bein' truant.
Unrelentin' Mongo has been slain in th' ferest by Pirate.
"A baby could wield a Undyin' Devotion better than that!" Pirate proclaims.
Unrelentin' Mongo won 126 pieces o' eight after rollin' 3 sixes in th' Dark Horse Tavern.
Unrelentin' Mongo has been resurrected by Ramius.
Unrelentin' Mongo has been slain in th' ferest by Chihuahua.
"I'm really goin' t' enjoy this new Undyin' Devotion that Unrelentin' Mongo had," exclaimed Chihuahua.
Unrelentin' Mongo has been resurrected by Ramius.
Unrelentin' Mongo has been slain in th' ferest by Farmhand.
"Either that wallpaper goes, or I do," declared Unrelentin' Mongo.
Unrelentin' Mongo has been resurrected by Ramius.
Peasant FlashG has been slain in th' ferest by Methane Man.
"Ye know, Peasant FlashG really had it comin' t' him after all those things I said about his mom," commented Methane Man.
Peasant FlashG has been resurrected by Ramius.
Peasant FlashG has been slain in th' ferest by Lindsey, Daughter o' Erin th' Ninja Squirrel.
"Either that wallpaper goes, or I do," declared Peasant FlashG.
Unrelentin' Mongo has been slain in th' ferest by Archmage.
"Die, matey, me dear Archmage? That's th' last thin' I shall do!" boldly declared Unrelentin' Mongo.
Invoker FritzStein has been resurrected by Ramius.
Unrelentin' Mongo won 131 pieces o' eight after rollin' 3 sixes in th' Dark Horse Tavern.
Unrelentin' Mongo won 135 pieces o' eight after rollin' 3 sixes in th' Dark Horse Tavern.
Invoker FritzStein has been slain in th' ferest by Phoenix.
"Why didn't I become a successful doctor like me father suggested?" wonderz Invoker FritzStein aloud.
Traveler Grodech has defeated his master, Hydraulic Press t' advance t' level 5 after 10 days!!
Traveler Grodech was hunted down by their master, Hydraulic Press, fer bein' truant.
Invoker FritzStein an' Violet were seen headin' up th' stairs in th' inn together.
Dragon Master THANOS defeated Demigod Crabbok in fair combat in th' fields o' Glorfindal.
Dragon Master THANOS has defeated his master, Adoawyr t' advance t' level 14 after 9 days!!
Dragon Master THANOS has been resurrected by Ramius.
Dragon Master THANOS was slain by a Manticore on a trail!
Dragon Master THANOS defeated Villager Raxacoricofallapatorius in fair combat in th' fields o' Degolburg.
Dragon Master THANOS has defeated his master, Gadriel th' Elven Ranger t' advance t' level 13 after 8 days!!
Dragon Master THANOS has defeated his master, matey, Celith t' advance t' level 12 after 8 days!!
Dragon Master THANOS defeated Dragon Master Eshan in fair combat in th' fields o' Romar.
Dragon Master THANOS has defeated his master, matey, Sensei Noetha t' advance t' level 11 after 8 days!!
Empress o' Vordus Luna has been defeated in th' graveyard by Skeleton Archers.
"Oh man! I didn't think ye had it in ye, Skeleton Archers," Empress o' Vordus Luna exclaims.
Empress o' Vordus Luna was slain attemptin' t' rescue a prince from Castle Slaag.
Empress o' Vordus Luna won 140 pieces o' eight after rollin' 3 sixes in th' Dark Horse Tavern.
Empress o' Vordus Luna got roughed up by Lonestrider an' his cronies fer havin' little o' value.
Invoker FritzStein an' Violet were seen headin' up th' stairs in th' inn together.
Traveler Tovock has defeated his master, Dwiredan t' advance t' level 10 after 21 days!!
Unrelentin' Mongo has been slain in th' ferest by Cherubically Charmin' Child.
"I'm really goin' t' enjoy this new Undyin' Devotion that Unrelentin' Mongo had," exclaimed Cherubically Charmin' Child.
Mongo has earned th' title Dragon Imperatrix fer havin' slain th' Green Dragon 2103 times!
Unrelentin' Mongo has slain th' hideous creature known as Th' Green Dragon. All across th' land, people rejoice!
Unrelentin' Mongo has defeated her master, Yoresh t' advance t' level 15 after 8 days!!
Unrelentin' Mongo has defeated her master, Adoawyr t' advance t' level 14 after 8 days!!
Unrelentin' Mongo has defeated her master, matey, Gadriel th' Elven Ranger t' advance t' level 13 after 8 days!!
Unrelentin' Mongo defeated a Manticore on th' trails! Th' victims have been avenged!
Unrelentin' Mongo has defeated her master, matey, Celith t' advance t' level 12 after 8 days!!
Unrelentin' Mongo has defeated her master, Sensei Noetha t' advance t' level 11 after 8 days!!
Unrelentin' Mongo has defeated her master, Dwiredan t' advance t' level 10 after 8 days!!
Unrelentin' Mongo has defeated her master, Ceiloth t' advance t' level 9 after 8 days!!
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Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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