• LoGD News
News for Fri, Aug 23, 2024 (Items 1 - 50 of 58)
Shepherd Tovock has been slain when he encountered The Green Dragon!!! His bones now litter the cave entrance, just like the bones of those who came before.
"Just wait for my revenge, The Green Dragon. It will be swift!" Shepherd Tovock declares.
Centurioness Charity has defeated her master, Malwares to advance to level 7 after 9 days!!
Knight of the Boar Rommel's body turned up, throat slit!
Knight of the Boar Rommel has defeated his master, Dwiredan to advance to level 10 after 6 days!!
Shepherdess SuddenlyFreya has defeated her master, Glynyc to advance to level 4 after 3 days!!
Unrelenting Mongo has been slain in the forest by Frog.
"Come back when you learn how to fight," Frog scoffs.
Apprentice FritzStein has defeated his master, Gadriel the Elven Ranger to advance to level 13 after 21 days!!
Apprentice FritzStein was hunted down by their master, Gadriel the Elven Ranger, for being truant.
Shepherd UsedToBeTrunks and Violet were seen heading up the stairs in the inn together.
Shepherd UsedToBeTrunks's broken and bloody body was seen lying in an alley.
Shepherd UsedToBeTrunks has challenged their master, Vyrts and lost!
"KHAQQ calling Itasca. We must be on you, but cannot see you. Fists is running low."
Shepherd UsedToBeTrunks was hunted down by their master, Vyrts, for being truant.
Shepherd Grodech got roughed up by Lonestrider and his cronies for having little of value.
Traveler CosmoKramer has defeated his master, EauSalee to advance to level 3 after 1 day!!
Traveler CosmoKramer has defeated his master, Mireraband to advance to level 2 after 1 day!!
CosmoKramer has earned the title Traveler for having slain the Green Dragon 1 times!
Farmboy CosmoKramer has slain the hideous creature known as The Green Dragon. All across the land, people rejoice!
VibraImperator KrsnaAvatara has been slain in the forest by Bar Fly.
Bar Fly laughs, "I don't think you will be attacking me again, pal."
Farmboy CosmoKramer has defeated his master, Yoresh to advance to level 15 after 31 days!!
Dragon Master KorhaL has defeated his master, Unelith to advance to level 6 after 4 days!!
Farmboy CosmoKramer and Violet are joined today in joyous matrimony!!!
Shepherd Grodech got roughed up by Lonestrider and his cronies for having little of value.
Queen Luna has defeated her master, Vyrts to advance to level 2 after 11 days!!
Queen Luna was hunted down by their master, Vyrts, for being truant.
Dragon Master THANOS has defeated his master, Vyrts to advance to level 2 after 1 day!!
THANOS has earned the title Dragon Master for having slain the Green Dragon 324 times!
Dragon Master THANOS has slain the hideous creature known as The Green Dragon. All across the land, people rejoice!
Dragon Master THANOS has been resurrected by Ramius.
The broken body of Dragon Master THANOS was found partially submerged by the rocks under a waterfall.
Dragon Master THANOS has defeated his master, Yoresh to advance to level 15 after 5 days!!
Dragon Master THANOS defeated Dragon Master Eshan in fair combat in the fields of Qexelcrag.
Dragon Master THANOS has defeated his master, Adoawyr to advance to level 14 after 5 days!!
Dragon Master THANOS defeated a Manticore on the trails! The victims have been avenged!
Dragon Master THANOS has defeated his master, Gadriel the Elven Ranger to advance to level 13 after 5 days!!
Centurioness Charity has defeated her master, Unelith to advance to level 6 after 8 days!!
Dragon Master THANOS has defeated his master, Celith to advance to level 12 after 5 days!!
God of Crystal TheMightyShitMaster and Violet were seen heading up the stairs in the inn together.
God of Crystal TheMightyShitMaster has defeated his master, Glynyc to advance to level 4 after 6 days!!
God of Crystal TheMightyShitMaster has defeated his master, Fie to advance to level 3 after 6 days!!
Farmboy CosmoKramer has defeated his master, Adoawyr to advance to level 14 after 30 days!!
Shepherd UsedToBeTrunks and Violet were seen heading up the stairs in the inn together.
Shepherd UsedToBeTrunks has challenged their master, Mireraband and lost!
"This both sucks and blows!" wails Shepherd UsedToBeTrunks.
Shepherd UsedToBeTrunks was hunted down by their master, Mireraband, for being truant.
Unrelenting Mongo has been slain in the forest by Clean Skull.
"You should have just stayed in bed," Clean Skull suggests.
Unrelenting Mongo won 40 gold after rolling 4 sixes in the Dark Horse Tavern.
Mongo has earned the title Dragon Imperatrix for having slain the Green Dragon 2087 times!
Unrelenting Mongo has slain the hideous creature known as The Green Dragon. All across the land, people rejoice!
Dragon Master THANOS has defeated his master, Sensei Noetha to advance to level 11 after 4 days!!
Dragon Master THANOS has defeated his master, Dwiredan to advance to level 10 after 4 days!!
Dragon Master THANOS has been heard boasting about defeating a huge group of bandits!
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