• LoGD News
News for Sat, Aug 24, 2024 (Items 51 - 76 of 76)
Dragon Imperator Bart has defeated his master, Unelith to advance to level 6 after 6 days!!
Dragon Imperator Arathorn has been slain in the forest by Pygmy Dragon.
"A baby could wield a Omnipotence better than that!" Pygmy Dragon proclaims.
Dragon Imperator Arathorn has defeated his master, Ceiloth to advance to level 9 after 11 days!!
Dragon Imperator Arathorn has defeated his master, Gerrard to advance to level 8 after 11 days!!
Dragon Imperator Arathorn has defeated his master, Spywares to advance to level 7 after 11 days!!
Dragon Imperator Arathorn has defeated his master, Unelith to advance to level 6 after 11 days!!
Dragon Imperator Arathorn has been resurrected by Ramius.
Dragon Imperator Arathorn has been slain in the forest by Tree-Hugger.
"Why didn't I become a successful doctor like my father suggested?" wonders Dragon Imperator Arathorn aloud.
Dragon Imperator Arathorn has defeated his master, Hydraulic Press to advance to level 5 after 10 days!!
Dragon Imperator Arathorn defeated Dragon Imperator Bart in fair combat in the fields of Glorfindal.
Shepherd UsedToBeTrunks and Violet were seen heading up the stairs in the inn together.
Shepherd UsedToBeTrunks has challenged their master, Mireraband and lost!
"You are dishonorable, Mireraband!" Shepherd UsedToBeTrunks cries.
Shepherd UsedToBeTrunks was hunted down by their master, Mireraband, for being truant.
Unrelenting Mongo has been slain in the forest by Animated Stormcloud.
"I am a leaf on the wind," said Unrelenting Mongo, "Watch how I soar."
Unrelenting Mongo won 24 gold after rolling 3 sixes in the Dark Horse Tavern.
Unrelenting Mongo has been resurrected by Ramius.
Unrelenting Mongo
"A baby could wield a Undying Devotion better than that! proclaims.
Unrelenting Mongo has been resurrected by Ramius.
Demigod Crabbok has defeated his master, Celith to advance to level 12 after 18 days!!
Demigod Crabbok challenged Lonestrider and his band of thieves, but was no match for the rogues!
"You know, Demigod Crabbok really had it coming to him after all those things I said about his mom," commented Lonestrider's Thieves.
Demigod Crabbok has defeated his master, Sensei Noetha to advance to level 11 after 18 days!!
Demigod Crabbok challenged Lonestrider and his band of thieves, but was no match for the rogues!
"Next time, eat your Wheaties," Lonestrider's Thieves suggests.
Violet has left Demigod Crabbok to pursue "other interests."
Unrelenting Mongo has been slain in the forest by Darkness.
"KHAQQ calling Itasca. We must be on you, but cannot see you. Undying Devotion is running low."
Dragon Master THANOS has defeated his master, Glynyc to advance to level 4 after 2 days!!
Dragon Master THANOS has defeated his master, Fie to advance to level 3 after 2 days!!
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